registration ?

Owning a domain is a first step necessary to setting up a website.

The purchase of domains with a clear strategy on naming conventions is important for customer and visitor credibility, as well as search-engine optimization.  Rusty Dogg Number ThreeRustydogg Design can assist you with domain-name selection and purchase, as well as setting up all the controls necessary for proper domain-name functions.

hosting ?

Hosting a domain simply refers to renting space on a special computer called a “web server”, which houses your website. Hosting can be confusing because of so many different packages with so many different parameters and capabilities. Rustydogg Design can set up a hosting package that suits your needs, without any costly and unnecessary gimmicks attached to it.  We’ll save you hours of work in dealing with red tape and “add-ons” that many hosting services will try to sell you.

With us, it’s simple, cost-effective and low maintenance for you!


Once you’ve got Domain Registration and Hosting sorted out, we’re ready to build your website!


Buying a Domain from Rustydogg…

If you’ve arrived here because you’re interested in acquiring one or more of the domains that Rustydogg owns, please visit this page and send us a little bit of information about what you have in mind! Thanks!