
Earthsend Vision

Our goal is to create a better and brighter future for ourselves, for our children, and for all the others to come.

Earthsend Values

Earthsend is a united group of Reiki Masters and Practitioners who have willingly joined together to learn and grow in consciousness and are dedicated to the service of infusing situations and conditions of Earth with the consciousness and compassion of Reiki. Each participant in Earthsend is welcome to contribute Reiki in the style or manner that they follow. We have no affiliations other than our love of the Reiki, our desire to be of service, and our commitment to our own growth. This automatically excludes the development of personal, group, and/or commercial interest.


reiki symbol


Use this time zone converter to determine the Earthsend time in your region. Weekly updates for Earthsend can be found on Facebook group

If you wish to join us, or wish to be added to our list of participants and receive weekly email updates, send your email address, location, and name to our new email address:  



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