About Us ...

Carolyn Jackson, Reiki teacher, artist, writer, coordinator of EarthSendCarolyn Jackson had a 30-year career in the Healing Arts, including both Massage Therapy and Reiki.  With heavy hearts, we are sad to announce that Carolyn passed away on July 3rd, 2020, after a struggle with cancer.

She is survived by 3 children, 5 grandchildren, and a host of friends, relatives and recipients of her love, joy and healing energy over the decades of her life.

We will soon be posting a memorial page on Facebook to celebrate her life, her magic, and the beauty that was shared by all who knew her.  


To make Reiki, the Japanese healing art of laying on of hands or complementary energy medicine more readily available around the world she wrote The Spirit of Reiki, a complete guide to the symbols and uses of Reiki.

In her newest book, Tales From the Master she has written entertaining short stories which tell of the lessons many of us face in life..

Understanding that the symbols of Reiki can be represented in musical compositions, she composed Innate Foundation: On the Journey a collection of musical scores which represent the sound of the symbols of Reiki and give the listener an experience of Reiki.

Her poetry, art, articles and music are inspiring, delightful and profound and can be found on the thoughts page

Carolyn was the co-founder of Innate Foundation and the co-founder with New Zealander Rod Gordon of the Global Reiki Network and Earthsend, a group of over five hundred Reiki Masters from around the world working together to influence world situations with Reiki.

In the Bellingham and Blaine area of Northwest Washington she taught classes in Herbal Medicine, Reiki, Stone Mandalas and The Language of the Soul. She continued her Reiki work with cancer patients and other debilitating illness in a private healing practice, as well as with the Bellingham Cancer Center.  Click here to learn more about her available services.


Robert Clyde Affolter, Author, Chiropractor

Robert Clyde Affolter - In 1998 Dr. Affolter met Carolyn Jackson and they founded Innate Foundation in Bellingham, WA. While working together, they developed an electromagnetic device which emits energy similar to the symbols of Reiki and are currently looking for researchers to help define its effects.

He continues a Chiropractic Clinic in Bellingham and updates his unique and thought provoking perspectives on health care and other current issues at www.affolterinsights.com. Dr. Affolter holds degrees in chemistry (B.A.), business (M.B.A.) and chiropractic (D.C.). He has over 25 years of business experience including 20 years experience as a practicing Chiropractor. Phone (360) 371-1020 for more information.


Suzanne Wynne - Reiki Teacher & Counsellor

Suzanne Wynne - Compassion invites us to experience the moments of our life completely. As a Reiki Teacher and Registered Counselor, Suzanne specializes in the treatment of pre and post surgical recovery, physical pain, stress-related disorders, life transitions, self identity, depression, and grief. She offers Reiki therapy and Traditional Usui Reiki training to foster awareness of self and others.

Suzanne has studied the nuances of subtle energy since childhood.  She continually strives to anchor these studies in the principles of Christianity and Zen Buddhism.  She has a B.S. in Forest Ecology from University of Vermont, and over 6 years of professional management experience. For more information, phone 206 631-3226.


Sara Strasburger photo
Sara Strasburger - Dedicated body-mind therapist for fifteen years. As a Reiki Master/Teacher and Visionary Craniosacral Work Practitioner, Sara intuitively senses where individuals are, and customizes training and therapy programs to foster individual growth. Sara specializes in post-traumatic therapy, sports injury treatment, and life expansion work. She offers Reiki sessions and trainings as well as craniosacral therapy in Whitefish, Montana.

Sara has found that helping her clients and students find core understanding of Reiki within themselves has transformed their emotional, physical and spiritual lives. Sara received a B.A. from Oberlin College in Geology and Dance in 1990. The study of movement and emotional integration led to graduation from the Brian Utting School of Massage in 1994, multiple advanced bodywork trainings, a B.S. in Biology from Evergreen State College, and certification as a nutritional therapist. Phone (406) 471-3181 for more information.


Alandra Stannyers
Alandra K. Stannyers - came to Canada forty years ago from Scotland and presently works with and teaches Reiki from Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada.

She is qualified in Medical Radiation Technology, Education, C.B.C., Counseling and Reiki. Alandra will be celebrating her 20th year as a Reiki Master on Dec. 1st 2012. She is passionate about Reiki and helping others learn. Each of her classes includes a six week personal practice period with time available for questions and discussion before a certificate is awarded.

Telephone (604) 464-2194 for further information.




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